Radio spot // MINI Cooper Weeks “Family”

You can’t choose your family? Yes, you can with MINI!
Our new radio spot shows how easy it is to become part of the MINI family – at the MINI Cooper Weeks!
Because there are top leasing offers for the MINI Cooper 3-door, 5-door and the convertible!

In the commercial, a woman and a man are talking about an upcoming family celebration. Sounds like stress? Not if MINI is invited!

The creative idea and realization of this entertaining radio spot came from just GmbH in Munich.

Radio spot // MINI Cooper Weeks “Family”

The leasing rate and fully comprehensive insurance for the new MINI Cooper are so unbeatable that the two friends in the radio commercial are not allowed to say it out loud! And what you’re not allowed to say in public is beeped out on the radio. But not with the familiar and somehow annoying 1 kHz tone, but…

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Radio spot // MINI Cooper “MINI beeps!”

The leasing rate and fully comprehensive insurance for the new MINI Cooper are so unbeatable that the two friends in the radio commercial are not allowed to say it out loud! And what you’re not allowed to say in public is beeped out on the radio. But not with the familiar and somehow annoying 1 kHz tone, but…

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