Lafer & Friends - Der Genusspodcast

Episode 9 – Johann Lafer in conversation with Alfons Schuhbeck

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In the ninth episode of his podcast, Johann Lafer welcomes Alfons Schuhbeck – one of the best and most popular chefs in Germany.
Alfons Schuhbeck was born in 1949 in Traunstein/Upper Bavaria. After his years of travel in Salzburg, Geneva, Paris and Munich, he went to renowned addresses such as Feinkost Käfer, Alois Dallmayr and Eckart Witzigmann. Then in 1980 the big step: Alfons Schuhbeck took over the parental Kurhausstüberl in Waging am See and just 3 years later was awarded the Michelin star for his culinary art.
In 1989, the Gault Millau honored Schuhbeck as Chef of the Year, and numerous other awards and prizes for his restaurant followed. In addition, Schuhbeck is a bestselling author and has set unique accents in German culinary literature with his great passion for “spices”.
The other episodes of Lafer & Friends – The Enjoyment Podcast are available here on Spotify

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Radio spot // MINI Cooper “MINI beeps!”

The leasing rate and fully comprehensive insurance for the new MINI Cooper are so unbeatable that the two friends in the radio commercial are not allowed to say it out loud! And what you’re not allowed to say in public is beeped out on the radio. But not with the familiar and somehow annoying 1 kHz tone, but…

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