BVL – Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie e.V. // Image film “I can …”
How does it feel for a child to not be capable to write to their mom about how much they love her? What does it feel like for a student to not understand a timetable correctly? How do you turn an “I can’t …” into an “I can …”?
The image film of the BVL – Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie (Federal Association for Dyslexia and Dyscalculia) shows how people affected by dyslexia or dyscalculia face obstacles in various life situations. Despite the challenge, they don’t give up and find a way to get to their goal through a creative solution.
The BVL informs, encourages and accompanies those affected, parents, teachers and interested parties with its expertise and network.
Together with the young director and HFF student Olivia Nigl, just GmbH developed the film concept and shot the BVL image film in Gilching near Munich. Olivia Nigl was responsible for the editing. The music was composed by Daniel Pohl. Production, post-production and dubbing were handled by just.
Customer: BVL - Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie e.V.